Interview with Bobby Rodriguez @VoicelessSummit

Bobby The Human
We interviewed Bobby Rodriguez @VoicelessSummit and asked him the questions!
Favorite Quote?
“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda
What does it mean to be a good human?
“To treat others the way you'd want to be treated. To do good without the expectation of being rewarded.”
What does it mean to be a bad human?
“To keep hate in your heart.”
What does it mean to be human?
“To live and be happy and enjoy your time on this earth while you can. Because life is too short.”
What's your Philosophy?
“Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. Its one of the only things that stuck with me, when I use to go to church. I think its a good guideline on how to go through life.”
What's Your Spirituality or Religion?
“I know to others this may not seem like an answer but Music. because when I'm not able to speak it does for me, every Sunday I practice with my band and sometimes the music takes me places spiritually that other things don’t.”
Thank you for filling out our Cue The Humans survey Bobby! Huge shoutout for being our first human to interview with us. We value your opinions and thoughts on what it means to be human! The goal is to ask everyone these questions, and really find out, what it means to be human, together.
Go follow his band on Instagram @VOICELESSSUMMIT
Go follow his band on Facebook @VOICELESSSUMMIT
What do you think it means to be human?

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